After graduating SWT, as a HORTICULTURE SCIENCE MAJOR, I went to work for a couple of landscape businesses to gain experience.
As a Texas Licensed Irrigator (LI #5887), Paradise Landscapes complies with the governing rules and regulations of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
In 1997, Paradise Landscapes was established into a full-service landscaping company. Quickly I began working for developers, custom home builders, and residential customers building an honorable reputation.
The Paradise Landscapes Design Process addresses the client’s needs, desires, and wishes which can be implemented in phases over years to come. During the design phase, much time will have been spent researching, idea gathering, and planning. To maximize your return on investment learn more.
Growing up on my family’s New Braunfels farm provided many great experiences. I learned at an early age that hard work was most often rewarded. At age five I was fascinated by observing my Papa Colson till our land in preparation for a large garden. I enjoyed helping him plant seeds, water and even pull a few weeds! As our crops grew, I was captivated by all the produce it provided each new season. Most of all, nothing was more satisfying than loading up my red wagon with vegetables. I ALSO HAD AN ORNAMENTAL INTEREST. Please note the beautiful bouquet of flowers in my right hand.
My father most often took care of the livestock, fences, and pastures. Anytime Dad cranked up the Kubota tractor, I was there! Riding with him on the “Big Track” was most enjoyable.
In 1976, my Papa Colson opened Paradise Gardens Nursery on our property. I couldn’t wait until customers arrive so I could, tell them the plant names (at age six). THIS WAS TRULY A GREAT HORTICULTURAL EXPERIENCE.
By age eight I was helping with chores by mowing our 1+ acre front yard with the riding lawn mower. Across town, near Landa Park, I mowed my grandmother’s lawn. From that, I gradually started a little lawn mowing service. This was not only rewarding work, but I also enjoyed the money earned. WORKING OUTSIDE IN THE FRESH AIR QUICKLY BECAME A WAY OF LIFE. Whenever I was not working in the garden or riding on the tractor, I WAS BUSY DRAWING AND PAINTING in Grammie Colson’s art studio. My grandmother, an accomplished artist, TAUGHT ME COLOR VALUES, PERSPECTIVE, SHADING; ALONG WITH MANY ARTISTIC DESIGN ELEMENTS. I also learned how to paint with a brush and palette knife. During my middle school years, I looked forward to entering a painting or two at the Comal County Fair. These are some of my entries, including paintings of a unicorn and a prize winning lion. My grandmother, 90, still enjoys painting today and continues to be an inspiration for my landscape renderings.
Since I enjoyed mowing lawns for family and friends, I decided this would be a great way to earn my first car. In 1985, age 15, I TOOK A JOB WORKING FOR A REAL ESTATE COMPANY, HELPING WITH LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. Most days after school, my mom would drive me to Comal or Riverside Condos. MY DUTIES WERE TO MOW AND TRIM GRASS, AS WELL AS TRIM AND SHAPE THE SHRUBBERY. I found it very beautiful and relaxing working along the Comal and Guadalupe Rivers.
In 1987, I purchased a small Chevy Luv truck and trailer and operated BRYAN’S LAWN SERVICE. I placed an ad in the New Braunfels Herald and quickly had customers. The business continued to grow and by the end of my senior year in High School, I HAD APPROXIMATELY 40 LAWNS I WAS TO MAINTAIN ON A REGULAR BASIS, supplementing my college tuition.
In the fall of 1988, I enrolled at Southwest Texas State University (SWT) as a Business major and decided to commute to college in order to keep my successful lawn care service in New Braunfels. By taking so many business classes, I realized I had missed the great outdoors. Mentioning this to my family, my grandfather quickly began researching and learned of a HORTICULTURE PROGRAM being offered in the Agriculture Department. The next day, after visiting with Horticulture Professor, Dr. Glen Rydle, I changed my major to HORTICULTURE SCIENCE. I TRULY ENJOYED LEARNING ABOUT PLANT GROWING, NURTURING, AND MAINTAINING PLANT LIFE. Most enjoyable was the labs that were often at SWT greenhouses, campus landscaping, and nearby parks.
After graduating SWT, as a HORTICULTURE SCIENCE MAJOR, I went to work for a couple of landscape businesses to gain experience. A friend later introduced me to a man who installed IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. I thought this would be a great opportunity and would BECOME VERY SIGNIFICANT IN MY LANDSCAPING CAREER FOR YEARS TO COME. While working for him, I took classes at night and became LICENSED IRRIGATOR #5887.
In 1997, I FOUNDED PARADISE LANDSCAPES TO OFFER FULL-SERVICE LANDSCAPING. Having grown up in New Braunfels and knowing many builders through the trades helped me to acquire jobs. I quickly began working for developers, custom home builders, and residential customers. Over the PAST 20 YEARS, I HAVE ENJOYED SERVING NEW BRAUNFELS with many reputable construction companies. BEING DETAILED ORIENTED, I DEVELOPED A PASSION FOR CUSTOM RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPING. This allows me to completely focus on your job with outstanding results.
Today, I can provide custom landscaping in a very personal manner. PURCHASING SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT HAS ALLOWED ME TO PERSONALLY DESIGN, BUILD, AND HELP MAINTAIN BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPES FROM START TO FINISH. I will LISTEN to each client’s needs and desires. TOGETHER we will discuss overall landscaping goals, lifestyle, and desired landscape features to create an aesthetically pleasing and functional design. I AM COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE in landscaping by offering attention to detail, personally hand select all plants and materials from trusted vendors, and installation of all plants and materials in a water-efficient manner. My artistic background and horticultural training ensure a truly unique and majestic landscape.
Thank you for reading my story and I look forward to working with you to provide an outstanding landscape experience. Please contact me with questions.
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